Statistical Sports Consulting was founded by Chris Wells and Michael Schuckers.

Chris Wells
Head Coach of the St. Lawrence University Women’s Hockey Team
Chris played for the St. Lawrence Men’s Hockey Team and has coached at Colgate University and Western Michigan University. In 2012, Chris was named the NCAA Division I Women’s College Hockey Coach of the Year by his peers in the American College Hockey Association. He briefly played professional hockey in Europe after graduating from St. Lawrence with a degree in economics.

Michael Schuckers
Professor of Statistics and Director of the Quantitative Resource Center at St. Lawrence
A graduate of Penn State, Schuckers also holds a master’s degree from the University of Michigan and a doctorate in Statistics from Iowa State University. Among his other research interests are the performance of biometric authentication devices, e.g. fingerprint readers. A founding member of the Center for Identification Technology Research at West Virginia University, he authored Computational Methods in Biometric Authentication (Springer 2010). Schuckers work has been a finalist in the research paper competition at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference in 2010, 2011 and 2013 (runner-up). In 2013, he was named the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics in Sports Significant Contributor. In addition, he has been a Fulbright Scholar working on metabolonomics at VTT Research Institute in Finland in 2013 and an Associate Editor for the Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports since 2011. Since 2015, he organized the Ottawa Hockey Analytics Conference at Carleton University in Ottawa, CA with Shirley Mills of Carleton. He can be reached by email at: michael dot schuckers@statsportsconsulting dot com.